Open letter to UNM administration against divestment from Israel

We have 338 signatures, including those who do not wish their names to be published on this website. This includes 31 students, 13 faculty, 9 staff, 94 alumni, 8 former faculty, 3 former staff, 24 parents, and 163 other community members. These numbers add up to greater than 338 because some people list more than 1 affiliation.
NameRelationship with UNMComments
Russell Rodke, MPA 2000Alumni, Master of Public Administration 2000
Scott AaronAlumniWhen important and historic public institutions, that have been generously granted public trust, public money, and governmental authority to train and educate our young adults to be respectable and productive community members, cease to exercise their authority, chaos results. Which flourishing, progressive and democratic middle-eastern government do the violent demonstrators recommend to replace Israel?
Rabbi Jonathan AngressParent
Molly BairdNew Mexico taxpayer
Aubrey BaldonadoStudent
Gloria Abella BallenNew Mexico taxpayerIt is a double standard and a travesty to ask to divest from Israel when they are not asking to divest from Russia which has been doing horrible bombings and killings of civil populations in Ukraine for more than two years, and to divest from China who has the Uyghur population in concentration camps to devoid them from their culture. The behavior of the students seems to be biased and perhaps more antisemitic than anything else.
Dikla Baranes New Mexico taxpayer
Callum BellParent, New Mexico taxpayer
G. Lance BellAlumni 1989Thank you for continuing to support Israel and fighting Jew hatred on campus.
Julia Caroline BellTaxpayer
David BernsteinNew Mexico taxpayerThese protester that single out Israel are blatantly factious and prejudiced. Is the board going to consider divesting from companies and funds that invest in China, and sanction academics from China where 800,000 to 1 million Uighurs are in slave labor camps? Is the board going to consider divesting from companies and funds that invest in Russia given the atrocities that are being committed in Ukraine? How about divesting from Saudi Arabia where women are oppressed and imprisoned for minor infractions?
Michelle Bernstein New Mexico taxpayer, higher ed professional
Mary BissellNew Mexico taxpayer
Kara Blattman-RockAlumni, New Mexico taxpayerUNM and New Mexico has always been a place of diversity and acceptance for all people. We stand for democracy and truth. We should always stand up for democracy, our allies for democracy, stand against terrorism and the right to defend against terrorism and its threat to our democratic allies and its infiltration into our democratic systems and universities. Our children our being misled to believe against Israel and democracy. They are being distracted from the truth and the facts about the true oppression of Palestinians and Israelis by Hamas and the Islamic Republic, and this is a long term distraction to destabilize the Middle East and eventually the United States. End the protests and the encampments in violation of security for all students' right to education.
Melanie BorkerCommunity member
A.J. BregmanAlumni/New Mexico taxpayer
Igal BrenerAdjunct faculty, New Mexico taxpayer
Sara Levin brichta Alumni
Hardin BrothersNew Mexico taxpayerDivesting isn't an answer when government leaders on both sides bear responsibility for the current situation. It appears that the war is not popular with the majority of Israelis nor of Palestinians, but is being waged because leaders of both sides have alternative agendas that they are pursuing. The only tenable solution may be to change both governments, and divestiture won't bring about that change.
Pamela G BrownellNew Mexico taxpayer, parent of graduate
Ty ChambersNew Mexico taxpayer
Max L ChenGraduate studentWhile not a simple moral situation, with enough consideration of the facts even given probabilistic uncertainties due to limited or potentially false information, the conflict in Israel and Palestine nonetheless falls along clear moral lines, along which continued financial investment in Israel by UNM is justified.
Rabbi Paul citrinNew Mexico taxpayer
Rachel CogentNew Mexico taxpayerDon't let this rabble of Jew hating bullies decide policy.
Barbara E. CohenNew Mexico taxpayer
Ben CorbettStudent
Rachel CrosleyAya Travel Nurse at UNM, member of the ABQ Jewish Community
J. CulverNew Mexico taxpayer
Don DayNew Mexico taxpayerCriminal behavior should never be tolerated on our campuses.
Robert EfroymsonAlumni, New Mexico taxpayer
Bonnie EllingerNew Mexico taxpayer
Susan FeilNew Mexico taxpayerThanks for this.
Bob FeinbergNew Mexico taxpayer
Franklin FineAlum., M Arch 1975
Alex FischerPhD student, Physics & Astronomy department
Nathaniel FisherStudent
Linda FlickerNew Mexico taxpayer
Rabbi Arthur FlickerNew Mexico taxpayer
Howard FriedmanUNM Foundation Supporter
Anne FurieAlumni RNSupport our ally Israel.
Adam GNew Mexico taxpayer, donorAs a leader in the New Mexico business community I believe deeply in supporting New Mexico's institutions of higher learning with time, talent and treasure. If UNM decides to divest in Israel by aligning themselves with actions of a decades-old terrorist regime that is responsible for an unprovoked slaying 1,200 innocent men/women/children, holding hundreds of additional civilian hostages for over 8 months now, and refusing to negotiate a cease-fire so that nearly 2 millions innocent civilians can be removed from harm's way I will be encouraged to divest in UNM moving forward. And I don't want to do that. Divesting in Israel is not the way to solve this age-old conflict that harms innocent people on BOTH sides. Here's to UNM using its time/treasure/talent to offer a BETTER/SMARTER solution. Maybe a nationally televised summit that hosts students representing both sides? This is actually a moment for UNM to LEAD other universities an inspiring path forward...rather than follow them down the same (worn) path of anti-semitic flag-waving. #wecandobetter
Lynden GallowayNew Mexico taxpayerI do not support the Hamas terrorists.
Janet GardnerAlumni
Rabbi Dov GartenbergNew Mexico taxpayerPlease take care in your deliberations and don't let a small minority bully the administration.
John GlaserAlumni
Todd GoldblumFaculty
Cheri GoldmanRetired faculty
Richard GoldmanRetired faculltyDivesting will harm UNM financially and intellectually. Israel is not an apartheid state - Arabs live in Israel and serve in the government. Palestinian Israeli borders are restricted and controlled because of past terrorist activities.
Ellen GoldsteinNew Mexico taxpayer, parent of alumni
Douglas GoodmanStudent
Karen GoodrickNew Mexico taxpayerYour political position against Israel and supporting anti-semitism is unfit for an institution like yours.
Jane GordonAlumni
Ken GossNew Mexico taxpayer
Bob Graham New Mexico taxpayerBigotry is the antithesis of the anti-Israel movement. Please stand firmly against this antisemitism.
Earlene Groseclose New Mexico taxpayerThis antisemitism must stop. Didn't we learn from Nazi Germamy?
Jay GrosecloseNew Mexico taxpayer
Randall GuarnieriAlumni, history teacher in NM
Mindy GutowNew Mexico taxpayer
Yehonatan HaimStudent, Engineering department
Dr. Richard A HammerNew Mexico taxpayer, parent of alumni
Edith HardingStudent
Adam HechtProfessor
Kelsey HerreraNew Mexico taxpayer
Darrell HortonAlumniDivesting will harm UNM financially and intellectually.
Shiri HoshenNew Mexico resident
Solove Gregg JFacultyI’m Jewish
Mary C JohnsonAlumni, New Mexico taxpayer
Kenneth R Tekin Jr.Former Student, New Mexico taxpayerI want to support our democratic ally following a terrorist attack. Divestment from Israel sends the wrong message to our ally in that region of the world.
Trisha KeimNew Mexico taxpayer
Susan Jo KellerNew Mexico taxpayer
Lisa KenicottAlumni
Glen Kirchner New Mexico taxpayer
Stuart Klein Alumni
Cole KochanStudent
Herb KofflerRetired faculty UNM School of MedicineIs this to damn Israel or Hamas?
Sara KoplikHillel director
Ilya KoshkinNew Mexico taxpayer, family at UNMThe displays of brazen antisemitism and calls for violence and genocide against the Jews on UNM campus are appalling and deeply troubling.
Lea Koshkin New Mexico taxpayer
Kathy Krekel New Mexico taxpayer
Lauren Krimsky Parent of two UNM students, New Mexico taxpayer Antisemitism is on the rise and Hamas caused this current crisis.
Ed LeightonParent
Rabbi Darah LernerNew Mexico taxpayer
Shana LevensonPast student, New Mexico taxpayer
Andrew Tafoya LeverettPhD student, alumni, New Mexico taxpayerI have chosen to withdraw from my program of study due to the protests on campus and the lack of response staving off antisemitism on campus.
Berel LevertovNew Mexico taxpayer
Sharon levinNew Mexico taxpayer
Enid LewisNew Mexico taxpayer
Jamie LujanNew Mexico taxpayer
Shmuel Inbar, M.D.Retired faculty, Associate Professor (emeritus)
Ruth MaayanAlumni, New Mexico taxpayer
Kelley Macdonald New Mexico taxpayer
Nels MagnusonAlumni
John Mahler New Mexico taxpayer
Barbara Marcus New Mexico taxpayer
Beverly MartinAlumni
Bernadette MartinezAlumni
Roman MartinezStudent
David F. Jaffe MDFaculty, New Mexico taxpayer
Philip D Zinn MDNew Mexico taxpayer
Sally Fisher, MDAlumni, School of Medicine; parent of UNM student
Jayne Meiseles UNMH RN
Ben MeisnerNew Mexico taxpayerAs a direct descendant of family that escaped the holocaust and family that was murdered by the Nazis, I urge UNM to carefully consider the consequences of entertaining the ill-informed and discriminatory calls for divestment from Israel. Please feel free to contact me directly for additional dialogue.
David Metrikin New Mexico taxpayer
Roberta MikusAlumni, New Mexico taxpayer
Michael S. MitnikRetired assistant professor Orthopaedic Surgery
Yoav MoyalTaxpayer
Arlyn NathanNew Mexico taxpayer
Fred NathanNew Mexico taxpayer
Ethan NehringFriend of UNM students
Tara OlguinAlumni, parent of student
Abbie OlivasStaff
Luis Olivas Alumni, New Mexico taxpayerAll backgrounds need to feel welcomed and accepted in order for our community to thrive.
Tina OrtizNew Mexico taxpayer, alumni 1979I believe that no student should be harassed, humiliated, protested against due to religion, race, color, ethnicity, etc. Also, in this letter you state “thankfully this is JUST a disturbing fantasy”. I do not think that these student protestors are just fantasizing about what they are chanting. They mean what they say and it should be taken very, very serious! Jewish students must be protected at all costs and these threats taken serious. This is not freedom of speech, these are threats and disciplinary action must be taken. Thank you for your re-evaluation of this letter and a serious concern be taken.
Daniel PavaAlum MPA 1983 MCRP 1985I concur with the points made in the letter and urge UNM to consider them carefully.
Steven PeraltaNew Mexico taxpayer Am Yisrael Chai
Katia PerezStudent
Tamara PetersonAlumni
John Zyskind, Ph.D. New Mexico taxpayerVery good letter.
Shlomo Karni, Ph.D.Professor Emeritus UNM, New Mexico taxpayerFaculty 1961-1999. Gardner-Zemke Prof., dept. of EECE. Co-founder of Jewish studies, dept. of Religious Studies.
Kerry PickensNew Mexico taxpayer
Kelly QuirozAlumni
Jalen RahterAlumni My thoughts are my own and do not reflect those of the US Military. I sincerely believe the claims made about protestors’ misguided following of dangerous rhetoric, having seen first-hand what protests are actually like on UNM campus during my time as a student. Stances taken by most students who are willing to demonstrate their beliefs through vandalism and harassing occupation often seem halfway thought-out and without much backing beyond surface-level understandings of matters involved. I agree that it would be wise to not give in to the protestors’ demands, and while I stand by the right to protest peacefully, I feel that the staff and faculty of UNM are well within their rights to ban these protests from occurring on campus grounds, following the destructive behavior that ensues from such movements. While I would question the safety of any member of UNM administration to orate a public statement about this letter’s standpoints in front of the student body, it is not an impossible undertaking and its effects could have a positive impact on the cohesion of students in opposing factions.
Noah RamosStudent
Marc RaugustAlumni
Marita RenteriaNew Mexico taxpayer
Charles RichardsonNew Mexico taxpayer
Mario RicoNew Mexico taxpayerNew Mexicans support Israel to the full extent!
Aaron RidleyNew Mexico taxpayer
David RidleyStudent Don’t forget all the vandalism on campus the “pro-Palestine” protestors have perpetrated.
Ronald L. Ridley New Mexico taxpayer and father of 2 UNM graduates
Ishmael RockNew Mexico taxpayerWe stand for democracy, supporting our allies in democracy. We stand for Israel and against terrorism and the Islamic Republic that is trying to tear down Israel and the United States.
Sofia RockStudentWe stand with Israel and our democratic allies.
Patricia RosenAlumni
Joy RosenbergNew Mexico taxpayer
Harry RosenfeldContinuing Ed faculty
Reverend William SanchezAlumni & NM Tax PayerNew Mexico has thousands of Sephardic people from the 1600’s.
Paula Bram Amar SchwartzGraduate School alumni, New Mexico taxpayer, donorAll students are precious and must be protected. We must not let UNM be part of the rise of anti-semitisim in our country. As one who stood for civil rights in the 60s, and continues to fight injustice in all forms, I raise my voice to fight this.
Judith SegallFormer staff, alumni
Ronald SegelAlumni (B.A. 1969, J.D. 1972) and New Mexico taxpayer
Shai ShelhavTaxpayer, New Mexico business owner, human being
Jack ShlachterNew Mexico taxpayer
David ShulmanNew Mexico taxpayer
Malcolm Siegel Alumnus
Janet SimonNew Mexico taxpayer, former faculty
Vivian SkadronDonor
Richard SkolnikDonor, New Mexico taxpayer
Dr. William R. SmithNew Mexico resident and taxpayer
Matthew SmithAlumni
Jacob SpigelAlumni
Ron SternNew Mexico taxpayer
Jeremy Stricklin New Mexico taxpayerDo not cower to racism and antisemitism. UNM must stand on higher ground than these tyrannical apologists for terror. Do not comply.
Brittany SundheimAlumniThank you for doing this it means a lot to the Jewish members as right now is particularly difficult for many of us.
Rabbi Celia SurgetNM tax payer, rabbi of the largest congregation in the state
Barbara Sherman SussmanNew Mexico taxpayer
Nathan William TamirNew Mexico resident
Sharon TaylorNew Mexico taxpayer
Ann TekinNew Mexico taxpayerI definitely stand with Israel!
Annie TekinAlumni
John TekinAlumni (2008)
Kelly TekinAlumni
Lisa TekinAlumni 2008
Mark TekinNew Mexico taxpayer
Abby Train New Mexico taxpayer
Alex VallejosStudent
Devin L VarnadoStudent
Jim WerkmeisterNew Mexico taxpayer
Daniele C. WilliamsAlumniVery well stated. My feelings exactly.
Nancy WingerAlumni, New Mexico taxpayer
Ron WingerNew Mexico taxpayer
Adina M. WinnettFriend of UNM
Jane WishnerNew Mexico taxpayer
Barton WohlNew Mexico taxpayer
Marc YellinNew Mexico taxpayer
Judith L. ZabelNew Mexico taxpayer and attorney