Open letter to UNM administration against divestment from Israel

The letter

To the UNM administration, in particular the Board of Regents and President Stokes,

This letter is a response to the student protests that demand that UNM divest from Israel in response to the war in Gaza.

Before we say anything else, let us state the obvious that the death and destruction happening in Gaza is a horrible tragedy. Far too many civilians in Gaza are suffering terribly and dying through no fault of their own. Just as much as anyone else, we want to see the violence in Gaza end. This letter is not a call for or against any proposed solution to the conflict in Gaza, and it is not a call against student protestors' right to freely express their opinions on campus. It is a statement against proposed actions that will not help end the suffering in Gaza, but instead will only serve to increase division and hatred at UNM.

Using university resources to single out Israel as a target for condemnation will not help Palestinians' cause. Instead it will be harmful for the following reasons.

Don't listen to these students' harmful demands. Reject the calls for divestment from Israel and reject antisemitism.

What else can I do?

If you've signed the letter and want to do more to let your opinions be known, consider the following actions:

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